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Contact your Senator about Obamacare

Here is the link to the United States Senate website with information about how to contact United States Senators -

I urge you to contact as many Senators as possible, particularly Republican Senators. Let your voice be heard. Feel free to modify the form letter I have supplied below and use it to contact Senators.


Senator _______


Washington DC 20510

Dear Senator _________,

I am a concerned citizen from ________, New York. While I am not one of your constituents, I wanted to write you regarding the Affordable Care Act. I am asking that you please vote to uphold it. My hope is that, rather than repealing it, our government works to improve our nationwide healthcare.

Repealing “Obamacare” without having an immediate replacement is much like throwing the baby out with the bathwater. From the outside, the whole notion of getting rid of it seems like divisive partisan politics. I beg of you to keep our healthcare. Instead of “repeal and replace,” act to “improve and insure!”

The Affordable Care Act is a giant step in the right direction, one that we - the greatest Nation in the world - should have, keep, and benefit from. It would be cruel to repeal this much needed protection for our citizens. So please vote and enact future legislation to stand up for our healthcare. It's extraordinarily important. Make revisions that improve it and PLEASE don't repeal it!

Thank you for your time and your service to our country.




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