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Pro-Immigration March in Sleepy Hollow, NY, January 29, 2017

Photo credit: Julie Larsen Maher

I attended this march with my family and was very happy to be a part of local community activism.

Article from White Plains Daily Voice, White Plains, NY, 1/29/17, by Carol Reif and Joe Lombardi.

WESTCHESTER COUNTY, N.Y. – A march to show solidarity for immigrants drew hundreds of people to Sleepy Hollow on Sunday.

Participants in the #Unity10591 march were reacting to President Donald J. Trump’s immigration policies, including the ordering of a wall between the United States and Mexico, the suspension of resettling Syrian refugees and banning people from Syria and six other predominantly Muslim nations from entering the country.

Marchers walked from the Church of Saint Teresa of Avila on Beekman Avenue to Patriots Park off Route 9 on the Sleepy Hollow-Tarrytown border.

Among the signs marchers held read, "We Are All In This Together," "The People United Will Never Be Divided," "Muslims Are Part Of Our Family," and "Tweet Everyone With Respect."

Earlier Sunday, New York State Attorney General Eric Schneiderman was among 16 attorney generals from the United States who called President Donald Trump's executive order issued Friday on immigration "unconstitutional," saying it has created "chaos," while vowing to fight it.

Gov. Andrew Cuomo also voiced disapproval of Trump's order.

"I never thought I'd see the day when refugees, who have fled war-torn countries in search of a better life, would be turned away at our doorstep," Cuomo said. "We are a nation of bridges, not walls, and a great many of us still believe in the words 'give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses."

Cuomo said he's directed the Port Authority, the Department of State, and my Counsel's Office to jointly explore all legal options to assist anyone detained at New York airports, and ensure that their rights are protected.

"America is a nation of laws and those laws provide rights that must be respected and followed regardless of political ideology," Cuomo said.

Trump, who owns the $19.5 million Seven Springs estate in Bedford, also owns Trump National Golf Club Hudson Valley in Stormville and Trump National Westchester in Briarcliff Manor. The Trump name also adorns Trump Tower At City Center in White Plains, Trump Plaza in New Rochelle, Trump Park Residences in Yorktown and the Donald J. Trump State Park on the Westchester/Putnam border.

photo credit: Joe Blakely aka thecriticalpolitical

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