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Trump Dumps 46 Prosecutors: Fast, Furious & Dangerous

All Presidents request the resignation of some, most or all of the previous president's United States Attorneys. That is not unusual, however the manner in which Trump did this is unusual and dangerous. The forty-six Obama era prosecutors were called Friday, March 10 and many were told that they needed to vacate their offices the same day. (1) Under normal conditions there is a transition period during which time the outgoing attorneys brief the incoming attorneys about their caseload. This would allow for a more efficient transition with attorneys communicating the intricate details of their cases to their successors. Instead, there are major vacancies and dangerous criminals whose investigations and prosecutions have been disrupted. There are deputy United States attorneys that will fill the void until new appointments can be made, but Trump has been very slow to fill positions in his administration, in particular the State Department and National Security team. Now, he has another large group of vacancies to fill in another department. He's got the "You're Fired" part down, but he needs to work on the "You're Hired" part.

This is further proof of Trump's ineptitude. He does not understand enough about the various functions of the departments of his government, and acts rashly to the detriment of the entire nation. These firings were done fast and furious like his unsuccessful Muslim ban 1.0, in what seems to be his signature style. Unmeasured, unrestrained, and not well thought out. Another interpretation is that he is deliberately disabling the US Attorneys’ office in an attempt to slow the investigative processes aimed at his administration's involvement with Russia, conflicts of interest, and constitutional violations.

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