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A Well Regulated Militia...

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” – The Second Amendment from the Bill of Rights (1791) which Amends the Constitution (1787).

There is an important historical distinction about the Second Amendment that is rarely discussed. A major factor contributing to its inclusion in the Bill of Rights was slavery. The well regulated militias in the southern states were slave patrols. These militias were responsible for apprehending runaway slaves. Southern states feared that a newly empowered federal government would disarm them and abolish slavery. Although the second amendment was intended to allow citizens to protect themselves from the possibility of a tyrannical government, it was also a compromise amendment to appease southern states (slave states). This was one of MANY COMPROMISES on the issue of slavery in our nation's history (I'm looking at you, Gen. Kelly).

Gun control does not infringe upon Second Amendment rights. As with other amendments, there are reasonable exceptions depending on the amendment and particular situation.

For example, the First Amendment protects free speech, but it is illegal to yell "fire" in a public place and deliberately cause a panic. It is illegal to use free speech to instruct someone to do harm to another. These exceptions are for PUBLIC SAFETY concerns.

For example, the Eighth Amendment reads, "Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted." Yet, courts consistently impose excessively high bail amounts to keep those suspects believed to be a threat to PUBLIC SAFETY in jail awaiting trial.

The point is that gun control is reasonable, does NOT infringe on constitutional rights, and would provide for PUBLIC SAFETY, which is the government's job.

If the government sends the Army marching down your Main Street with tanks and artillery and you think 50 bozos with AR-15s are going to stop them, you are stupider than you look in your Walmart fatigues.

Each and every politician with a favorable rating from the NRA should be voted out of office. I would also recommend a tar-and-feathering as well. They accept huge amounts of money from the NRA to maintain their political power at the expense of the people of the United States. Their is blood on their hands. Donald Trump is now their leader and he is complicit in gun violence deaths by supporting the status quo on gun control in Washington, DC.

Trump signed a bill, H.J.Res. 40, which became law on Feb. 28, that makes it EASIER FOR THE MENTALLY ILL TO GET GUNS. (More details here: Trump's motivation: appease the NRA. Trump's motivation: undo the law that President Barack Obama passed in 2008 to LIMIT the ability of mentally ill people to get guns, that he also reinforced by presidential memorandum in 2012 after Sandy Hook. Trump took another shot at Obama at the expense of the people of the United States. Another in a long line of heinous, despicable acts by this so-called president.

Vote Republicans out of office if you value your life. #Republicans and @realDonaldTrump must go. #GunControlNow

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